Student Wellbeing

We know that ensuring our students are happy, supported and have a sense of belonging in our community leads to better learning outcomes.

GESS takes a whole community approach to student wellbeing, including partnering with our families. Aligning around our school's values of respect, openness and diversity, our student wellbeing programmes support your child as they progress from a young learner to a young adult.

360° Approach to Student WellBeing at GESS

Partnering with your family

In preschool and primary, your child's homeroom teacher takes the lead for pastoral care, wellbeing and support with daily contact time and in-class activities. Supporting the homeroom teachers are early intervention specialists, learning support specialists and counsellors.

Our secondary school students are supported, mentored and guided by a team of homeroom and specialist teachers with regular contact throughout the week. In addition, a team of counsellors, education technology coaches and learning support specialists work with students throughout the year.

In all grades, building a positive and open relationship with parents forms an important part of our approach to personalised student wellbeing. You will receive regular updates as well as parent-teacher conferences and meetings.

Wellbeing approaches

Wellbeing and student support are personal and holistic. Our team of counsellors, educators, learning support teachers, university guidance counsellors and first aid nurses work closely together to provide both proactive and reactive approaches to student wellbeing.

  • Restorative practices for conflict resolution between students
  • Parent and student workshops and programmes
  • A robust anti-bullying programme and policy
  • Digital citizenship education keeping our students safe online
  • Regular meetings to review our students' wellbeing needs
  • Professional and confidential 1-2-1 counselling
More information on student wellbeing at GESS